This Year, 2018, Mobile Ad Spend Will Overtake TV Ad Spend

That headline alone is astounding: That this year, 2018, mobile ad spend will overtake TV ad spend for the first time ever! And there is no going back folks! Digital Marketing is a beast, and it is only getting bigger! Check out the stats in the article from Mobile Marketer below…

“Mobile commerce is some of the fuel that’s driving the strong growth in the ad space as mobile conversions are expected to surpass those for desktop computers. Mobile commerce sales grew 29% to $153 billion in 2017 from the prior year, making up one-third of online retail revenue, Forrester found in a separate study. The researcher forecast that the U.S. will add 53 million smartphone shoppers in the next five years to make up 82% of online shoppers buying through a mobile device. The significance of e-commerce to mobile advertising is a key opportunity for Amazon and Snapchat to grow their ad revenues.

Google and Facebook, which are frequently called the “duopoly” because of their dominance in the digital ad market, will only strengthen their hold on the market with nearly unsurpassed ability to target personalized ads to massive global audiences. Google, which has a near-monopoly on mobile search, targets ads based on consumer browsing history and how people research products and services…”

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