How to Use Facebook Messenger to Market Your Business

Ignore Facebook Messenger to your own detriment. People are actively using Facebook Messenger to communicate with businesses to the tune of 2 Billion messages per month. If that stat has got your attention, then you really need to read and study the following article.

You can use Facebook Messenger to communicate with your prospects and customers at scale, and also individually through automation, and also self generated. Through messenger you can communicate about your products and services, upcoming events, customer service issues, holiday specials, you name it! Check out this deep dive into using Facebook Messenger for your business now…

“The key to success for Facebook Messenger marketing is built into Facebook’s policies:

  • Get better at marketing
  • Get better at talking to people
  • And get better at building long-term relationships

With Facebook’s renewed focus on relationship building, if you do Facebook Messenger marketing right, you’ll stand head-and-shoulders above your competitors—because you’re reaching people where their attention is already focused.

But to succeed with marketing on Facebook Messenger, you shouldn’t approach the platform from a marketing perspective alone.

Instead, think of yourself as a social engineer.

You need to return to the basics of good marketing.

If you want people to click on your ads, you need to figure out what they’re struggling with or what they’re trying to make progress on…”

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